Postcard Mailing
In late
March we sent out a postcard mailing to fellow classmates
where a mailing address was available and otherwise been unable to
get their email. We held off doing this because there is a significant
expense. There's the postcard themselves, but especially the postage. We are
hoping that most of these postcards found our classmates!
If you received one of these postcards it meant we don't have an email address for you or an alternative contact method. All you have to do is send us an email which you can find on the contact us page. This does not commit you to the reunion! It simply means you're interested enough to want to receive a handful of emails giving information about the reunions. But we'd like to hear from you even if you have no interest. That way your name can be removed and we'll cease trying to contact you.
Who are those classmates?
We put a couple of teasers in the form of two photos that show a couple of recent group photographs of our classmates. We did this deliberately because we're afraid many of our classmates are worried that they might be feeling bad about looking old, picturing everyone else looking very much like we did. Well ... join the club! After all, it has now been 40 years since we were all in high school.
Group picture from the 30th reunion tour of Tosa East.
Click here or on the picture for a larger view. Standing,
left to right: Pat Downey, Annette Gehm, Jim Proft, Ann Wagner,
Juliana Spring, Linda Hasselberger, Barb Schroeder, Mike Frayer, Mary Hillstrom, Scott Peterson, Dick Manhardt, Barb Weishaar, Chuck
Perry, Barb Aspinwall, Bill Broadberry. Kneeling/sitting: Danita
Cole, Katie Hofstede, Frank Powell, Dennis Noonan, Gene Hanson.
From the wedding of Gene Hanson and Debbie Hetzel. Click here or on the picture for a larger view. Left to right: Mary Bartling, Rosi Kijak, Mary Fox, Gene Hanson, Debra Hetzel, Julianna Spring, Jean Crabtree, Dick Smith, Ellen Bartling, John Lichty, Teri Adlam.