Group Email List - Tosaeast1976
Gene Hanson, Webmaster
If you are a classmate and we have your email, from time to time I'll be sending message of interest to the class. Mostly it is information on upcoming reunions, post reunion photos, and, sadly, the passing of a fellow classmate or one of our teachers.
In the past I've utilized Google Groups and Mailchimp, but both of these failed because too many messages either went into spam or worse, got suppressed altogether. So instead I'm now using the BCC technique which has the benefit of almost universal delivery (some message can go to spam, but at least they're not totally suppressed) and the email list is masked. The emails will come directly from one of personal email accounts.
But spam or no spam, you won't miss a message because I archive all the emails right here. What follows are the messages I've sent. Everyone who has given me an email is automatically added to this list. So if you haven't, please send us your email.
Save the Date: 08/17/2024 - Hoyt Park
As always, if you haven't heard from me for a while it's good news as I have had no reports of classmates who have passed away! But I will warn everyone you'll be hearing from me more often as we get closer to our 50th reunion which is now just 2 years away! Our goal is to have a date and venue set by the end of this summer so everyone can reserve that weekend for our 50th reunion.
In the meantime I've scheduled another get together at Hoyt Park. This year it will be the Route 66 Reunion to celebrate Route 66 because we've already reached that age, or will be by the end of the year. There are full details on the class website, but here are the overall details:
- Date: August 17th, Saturday.
- Place: Hoyt Park, Picnic Area #3 and this year we have a permit. Area #2 was not available, but #3 which is right next to it was. So equally convenient to the restrooms and food and drink available at The Landing.
- Time: 2pm to at least 6pm.
- Entertainment: There will be music at The Landing from 5-8pm.
- An RSVP is not necessary!
The starting time is flexible. If I get messages that we should start a little earlier it would be no problem.
It may not be universally known to the class, but Debbie and I live half the year in Scottsdale, AZ, and the other half in Lake Mills. We travel by driving the 1800 mile route via our Caravan generally in 3 days. To celebrate both of us turning 66, we decided to see some of the sights of Route 66 since most of our drive follows this route. We pick it up in Flagstaff, AZ, and we leave it after Bloomington, IL. We actually left on Debbie's birthday!
What we discovered is that 3 days was not nearly enough time so we'll get more of the sights when we return to AZ in early October and our plan is to take at least 4 days.
As to the August 17th get together, I will have reminder notices as we approach the date!
Gene Hanson
In Memoriam - Teacher Carolyn Bertorello

Teacher Carolyn Bertorello
With sadness I must report to our class the passing of English Teacher Carolyn Bertorello. She died on July 3rd at the age of 87.
Speaking from my experience having two of her classes, she was definitely a character and her teaching style often went outside the box. I know not everyone agreed, but I suspect that most thought she was very good to excellent. After taking her Expository Composition class I was a much better writer. To me she was the living embodiment of Gertrude Stein. I feel fortunate to have had her as my English teacher.
You can read her very brief obituary here.
As usual, our thoughts are with her family.
Gene Hanson
August 17th Reminder
This is a reminder that we are 3 weeks out from our "Get Your Kicks on Route 66" reunion at Hoyt Park on Saturday, August 17th.
This year I have reserved Picnic Area 3 at Hoyt Park which is just across the bridge that leads to the pool area.
At this time I have not modified our timing so we're set to start at 2:00PM and no set ending time. I understand some will arrive later, but I hope most arrive by 5:00PM because we'll take the group picture around that time. Also, the starting time is flexible. If I get messages that we should start a little earlier it would be no problem.
I will send out another reminder in a day or two before the event. But you can also get all the information from the website in a dedicated 48th reunion section:
You don't need to RSVP to this reunion and you can literally decide at the last moment to attend. However, I always appreciate when classmates let me know they're very likely attending.
I plan on sending another reminder in the days before the event.
Gene Hanson
Wauwatosa East Class of '76
August 17 - Now just 3 Days
We are now just 3 days out from our "Get Your Kicks on Route 66" together at Hoyt Park this coming Saturday, August 17th!
We're to the point where the weather forecasts have some credibility and it looks good. Currently the prediction is iIntervals of clouds and sunshine. High 77F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 17%.
Because of the chance of rain I'd like to request some attending classmates to bring a tent if you have one. Debbie and I will be bringing ours. Please keep mind that the Milwaukee County Parks do not permit staking! We have been lucky the past 3 years we've been doing these gatherings to have decent weather.
We have reserved Picnic Area 3 in Hoyt Park for our scheduled get together for 2:00PM thru at least 6:00PM. A great aspect for this venue is the close proximity of the pool area, now known as the TOSA Pool at Hoyt Park. This offers us a number of amenities: 3 concession stands (with 2 different menus), a stage which will have music from 5-8 that evening, 50 large picnic tables, and restroom facilities. Of course, in the picnic area it is wise to bring your own food and drink, but it is great to have this alternative.
I have posted full details on the class website:
It is not necessary to RSVP. You can literally show up at the last minute. But I always appreciate hearing if you're planning on showing up. But stop by even if you can't stay long.
It shouldn't be a problem to find us, but if there is any difficulty I have my and Debbie's cellphone numbers listed below.
This is a free event!
That means the only cost to our classmates will be for their own food and drink. The only hard cost is the picnic area reservations and that has been donated.
We look forward to seeing you!
You don't need to RSVP to this reunion and you can literally decide at the last moment to attend. However, I always appreciate when classmates let me know they're very likely attending.
Gene Hanson - 262-XXX-XXXX
Debbie Hetzel - 920-XXX-XXXX
48th Reunion - Pictures
Our picnic reunion celebrating our 48th and our ages (Route 66) was this weekend and a great time was had by all who attended. My fear of a period or periods of rain did materialize and I hope the forecast for rain didn't deter anyone from attending. For the most part we had great weather, but we endured one deluge where everyone needed to huddle under one of the two canopies we'd set up.
I counted 42 in attendance: 33 classmates and 9 guests.
Because of the fear of being rained out completely, we did an early group picture and then another group picture later on as the good weather returned.
Group Picture 1
1st Group Picture Key
1. Holly Beyer
2. Barb Schroeder
3. Jennifer Swain
4. Mary Clark
5. Juliana Spring
6. Terri Monfre
7. Tom Witte
8. Debbie Hetzel
9. Kathy Reinke
10. Abby Forbes
11. Carla Durand
12. Frank Powell
13. Bill Hanson
14. Peggy Bowler
15. John Lichty
16. Jamie Bowden
17. Kevin Leahy
18. Heidi Kuenzi
19. Gene Hanson
20. Julie Zanio
21. John Rogge
Not Pictured: April Bergemann, Mark Borkowski, Mary Clark, Jean Crabtree, Dawn Hohlfeld, Eddie Kane, George Karioris, Mary Laidlaw, Sandy Lebesch, Chuck Perry, Harry Profio, Paul Seitz
Group Picture 2
2nd Group Picture Key
1. Heidi Kuenzi
2. Carla Durand
3. Tom Witte
4. Bill Hanson
5. John Rogge
6. Eddie Kane
7. Holly Beyer
8. Chuck Perry
9. April Bergemann
10. Barb Schroeder
11. Jamie Bowden
12. John Lichty
13. Jerry Roche
14. Mary Laidlaw
15. Frank Powell
16. Harry Profio
17. George Karioris
18. Jennifer Swain
19. Mary Clark
20. Kevin Leahy
21. Gene Hanson
22. Debra Hetzel
23. Jean Crabtree
24. Peggy Bowler
Not pictured: Mark Borkowski, Abby Forbes, Dawn Hohlfeld, Sandy Lebesch, Terri Monfre, Kathryn Reinke, Paul Seitz, Juliana Spring, Julie Zanio
Above: Huddling under the canopies waiting for the rain to stop.
These photos along with (currently) 48 other pictures can be found on our class website at:
Pictures were contributed by myself, Julie Zanio (pictures taken by her husband, Art), and John Rogge. I thank them! And while I'm giving thanks, let me thank everyone who came to this reunion or any event of the past 4 years. It is the participation of our classmates that make these events successful. I'd also like to make a special call out to John Lichty, John Rogge, Harry Profio, Bill Hanson, and Abby Forbes. They have been able to make all 4 of our picnic reunions.
49th Reunion?
At this time I have no definite plans about a 49th reunion gathering, but if you're a gambler, you should place your bet on it. These picnics are not very difficult to set up. I just need a date, I make a reservation, and then send out a handful of emails. The big question is always if we'll get adequate attendance. I'm open for suggestions for both the venue and the weekend. I have received a number of emails from classmates in the past that say they always have a yearly vacation/event that always occurs during the time of Tosa Fest. This year we purposely did a different weekend and it seemed to help. I think we're hard pressed to find a better venue than Hoyt Park, but we should be open to suggestions.
Bouncy Castle?
In the adjoining picnic area they had a couple of those big inflated bouncy castles, prompting a couple of our classmates to jokingly ask why we couldn't have one. Well, we could ... but ... it would be a rather expensive item. First, there's the expense of renting it. But second, I can't imagine the liability insurance expense when they find out it's for a group that averages age 65+! :)
In Memoriam - Brian Kirby
It is with sadness that I have to report that our classmate, Brian Kirby, passed away on November 10th at age 67.
He was diagnosed with MS many years ago and had been in assisted living for about the last six years.
Sorry for the lateness in reporting this, but I was awaiting his obituary. That was just published and there is only a private memorial service. Here's his obituary:
I knew Brian pretty well. He was in my homeroom in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade. He was also in a class with me and also one gym class. I always enjoyed talking with Brian as he always had a unique perspective.
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