47th Reunion
The 47th Reunion took place on September 9, 2023 from 2:00PM - 7:00PM at Picnic Area 3 at Hoyt Park.
Notes On the Event - Gene Hanson
Initially there were no plans for doing yet another small reunion, but in the end there seemed to be enough interest so why not try? The only real expense is the $95 rental fee for one of the picnic areas at Hoyt Park. But I waited to make the reservation because there is always the one thing that will stop a picnic: rain! Hoyt Park doesn't have a pavilion to rent so we're at the mercy of the weather. 5 days out when the weather was encouraging I decided I'd pull the trigger and do the rental. However, I got a nasty surprise that although the picnic areas were all available, they wouldn't do a reservation within 10 days! We would just have to wait until the day to grab one of the sites. On that day at 2:00PM area #2 was occupied, but area #3 right next store was available so we grabbed it. Consequently, there was no expense for this mini reunion!

There was very little planning for this informal reunion but none was really needed. Having done this the two years previous meant we knew what we had to do. As was the case for the 46th, we started at 2:00PM. But really we could have started at 2:30PM.