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48th Reunion Pictures

These photos from the 48th Reunion were all taken by Gene Hanson and Art Koch (Julie Zanio's husband).

As is the case with photos you see on this website which are shown less than full screen, they are thumbnails and you can click on the image to see it full size.


Last Mass at St. Bernards

Here's a couple of pictures compliments of our fellow classmate, Mary Clark (now Resing). She had a bittersweet reunion with some of her St. Bernard's classmates on the Sunday the day after our Hoyt Park reunion because it was the last Mass of the parish where they attended school. The property is sold and the buildings will be torn down with the space used for condos. The parish is being merged with Christ King. As Mary wrote, "The buildings may be gone, but our friendships go on forever!"

Seen in the pictures are Mary's classmates: Jennifer Swain, Peggy Bowler, Jamie Bowden, Kevin Leahy, and Frank Powell who came to the reunion the day before. If anyone is wondering, I did not plan our reunion to correspond with this event so it was just serendipity. -Gene Hanson