20th Reunion
The 20th Reunion took place over the weekend of July 12-14, 1996. The main event occurred on Saturday night at the Quality Inn at the airport. On Friday there was an informal get together at Colonel Hart's (the former Pep's Place), a tour of Tosa East on Saturday morning, and on Sunday there was a picnic at Hoyt Park.

This event was incredibly organized and well attended. Along with the invitations, a questionnaire was included. With that info, our classmate Patty Ulschmid produced a simply wonderful booklet that contained all the pictures of our classmates, contact info, and the responses from the questionnaire. Though we have considered scanning that booklet for publication here, we are hesitant because of all the personal information it contains.
Event Pictures
Our committee for this reunion hired a company that specializes in school pictures and they both photographed the event, and had a station for classmates and their spouses to sit for pictures. The resulting book has been scanned and you can see it below.
At this time there are only a very limited number of pictures from the 20th. The pictures below have all been supplied by Mary Kay Luedke, Anne Feirstein, and Debbie Hetzel. There may be more pictures, but since this was before the digital age they may be in the proverbial shoe box. If anyone has any pictures from any of the events that you care to share, please contact us. If you don't mind sending the originals, we will scan them for you and return those originals.
Event Pictures
Insights Learned After 20 Years
In the signup for the 20th reunion there was a short questionnaire and we were asked for our insights learned over the past 20 years. There were 121 responses which were published in the booklet and now presented here:Eric Adolphson: 20 years isn't a very long time.
Barbara Aspinwall: It's not how long you live but what you do with your time that is important. A 15-year marriage takes love, a sense of humor, an appreciation for the person your spouse chooses to be and effort at making yourself a little better and stronger and more thoughtful each year. Kids deserve all our efforts to inspire creativity, intelligence, good humor, and a thoughtful ear. They also deserve our every effort to improve the schools they go to by paying our taxes without grumbling and volunteering when we can.
Sue Babb: To make the best of every day and to enjoy opportunities as they come.
Glen Barkow: It's never to late to start something new.Starting a family is probably the best thing I've ever done.
Susan Baumann: In life there are few black and white issues and many grey areas. Appreciate each day on earth and live my life to the fullest. Children are the greatest gift.
Andy Benish: Patience! A deep love and appreciation for the natural world.
April Bergemann: If I knew then what I know now!
Holly Beyer: If I knew then that the 70's would look so silly, I'd have made different fashion designs...On a serious note, I've learned that there's always time to be kind to others.
Liza Bischoff: There is such a thing as personal change. Never ask, just do. Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to. Go on your instincts.
Mark Bishop: Enjoy life and live it to the fullest because you only get one chance!!
Mark Borkowski: I have a new found respect for mothers. How in the heck did our parents raise so many kids?
Cathy Borth: Life is too short- you've got to make the most of it!
Sandra Bourbonais: Set for yourself a vision and don't settle for anything else.
Jamie Bowden: Don't criticize, condemn or complain. Give honest, sincere appreciation. You cannot control actions of others, but remember you can control your actions.
Steven Braun: This is true: Never ever give up. It may not come quick, however, with the proper amount of effort it can be achieved.
DeAnn Broich: Dreams can come true; and You never know what tomorrow will bring.
Tracy A. Brooks: "Never say Never" I've moved from WI to VA to TX (this is where I met Steve and had our family) and now we are in MO. I thought we'd never leave Texas!!!
Kurt M. Busselberg: Life begins when one escapes Wisconsin.
Ann Carpenter: Only that there are more insights to come.
Mary Clark: Our Parents had a lot of patience for us - I realize this as our Kids test us more and more!
Danita Cole: 38 years old does not feel as old as I remember it being when our parents were this age.
Kathleen Conole: Life is constantly changing which you must accept.
Jean Crabtree: Running is good. (Too bad I Didn't have the confidence back at Tosa East to try out for the track team!) Be happy. Laugh a lot.
Annette Colden: I've discovered that my husband is my best friend. My daughters are my greatest blessing in life. True happiness and health is the balance between the body, mind and spirit.
Katherine Crowley: School was a lot more fun when I wasn't in charge. Old friends are priceless.
Donna Danielson Reinas: Learning to laugh at myself and see the humor in most situations has saved me. When I get too serious I say " Will it matter when I am 65?". Many times it's who you know not what you know that gets you where you're going. I'd love to redo high school knowing what I know now!
Pat Downey: 2 rules for stress-free living:Rule #1-don't sweat the small stuff. Rule #2 everything is small stuff. "Carpe diem" seize the day.
Elizabeth Duchelle Schuller: Older and wiser may indeed be true, but each day I realize there is more to be done if only there were more time! as a "twenty-something" I recall looking forward to my thirties, and now that I am well entrenched in my thirties I wish there were some way to slow down the passage of time. Life is good and I do not want to miss any of it.
Patty Nault (Dunne): Get your education when your young and can afford the bills of college. Enjoy your kids, they are a great gift and really do grow up too fast.
Anne Eichner Dellmann: Life is short! Make the most of it for yourself and those around you. Also, don't be so concerned about what others think-just be a nice, happy and healthy person.
Paul (Ike) Eisenhauer: Work hard and make good money. It's nice to be alive and have good friends and family.
Anne Feierstein-Fischer: True love conquers all. - I'm very lucky when it counts...
Tracy Flemming: Make the most of life while you can. Don't wait to take that vacation until you retire. It may never happen.
Abby Forbes: Gale Sayers said it well. "God is first, My family is second and I am third". I am happily not living up to my "full potential" but who knows... life is great and when I need a reality check, a close inspection of my reflection in the bathroom faucet provides the grounding I need. Go raiders!
Renee Frey: Don't wait for a tragedy in your life to realize what is really important. Life is to short too worry about all the little things.
Susan Gagan: My role in life is always changing. A balanced life is my goal and for now there is a great balance.
Gloria Garcia: Becoming more aware of life, respecting nature, enjoying life. Teaching my children to respect the world around them. Treating people equal.
Victoria Gilbert: Life can be surprising. Greetings to all!
Mark Gostisha: It does go faster as you get older, don't waste time looking back.
Judy Grimm: For women - good things come in small packages. For men - bigger is better.
Susan Rose: Life is hard but worth it. My parents really did know best . It's the husbands job to pick up the dog poop!
Gail Handschke: You've got to slow down and enjoy life. Take time to appreciate the world around you. Remember to try to make someone else laugh or smile.
Juliann Harley: Nothing is more important than my relationship with Jesus Christ - It is followed only by my relationship with my husband and my girls -Oh, and GO BULLS!
Linda Hasselberger: After having children, I can truly appreciate my parents and all that they have done. Parenting is definitely the hardest job I have ever had.
Heather Hawtrey: I've often said if I could do it all over again... I definitely would do high school again, and stick with it. Although, I've learned so much since I dropped out, I wonder where l"d be now if I had not.
Debra Hetzel: Teaching, Having children, just being around kids keeps you young.
Mary Hillstrom: Too Many to write down here and it doesn't feel like it's been 20 years already.
Marce Hoffmeister: Life is too short - never say "I can always do that later" Go for it now, for you may never have another chance.
Sarah Hope: It pays to be organized!
Gerry Horaitis: Travel light. Pay attention.
Diane K. Houriet: The challenges that we faced in high school, which seemed so monumental then, are nothing compared to the challenges of the world today!
James Jansen: The older people get, the more we want to he sixteen.
George Karioris: Success is a matter of positive attitude, honest perspective, an optimistic outlook, strong family and true friends.
Susan Kelsall: Work to live, not live to work.
Laura Kenney: Life is very short and you need to live each day to its fullest.
Eileen Keyes: Angels can change your Iive.
Rosi Kijak: After losing my position of almost 17 years at Wisconsin Electric, due to downsizing two years ago, I learned how to be flexible doing temporary work. 20 years ago I never thought it would be possible but, this year I graduated with a bachelor's degree. I still hope to be a published author and may succeed by next reunion. It is never to late!!
Sharon Kilmer: Youth is wasted on the young. I spent half my life being young - now I'll spend the other half paying for it!
Brian T. Kirby: Learning is limitless, too bad money isn't.
David Klibowitz: Lots, just ask me!
Carol Knauer: Sail fast-live slow. Enjoy your family.
Cindy Kraemer: Never say never.
Susan Krumacher: Nothing is permanent!
Heidi Kuenzi: The importance of family and friends and the support network they provide.
Cindy Kutchera: After 20 years of varied jobs, career paths and places to call home, I realize the most important thing in life is the gift of a one on one relationship with God. The second most important, is living the best life I can.
Susan Kwak: There is no one best way for most things. Do what you think is right and live with your decisions.
Nanette Larson: Be spontaneous - don't be afraid to drop everything and run in search of your dream.
Raymond Lauer: Your health and the health of your loved ones is the most important thing in life. My job has taken me to several different areas around the country including Seattle (rated as one of the best places in the country to live) for the last 8 years. What I have learned is that Milwaukee is a GREAT place to live.
Sandra Lebesch: Truth is freedom, from within = without and "no matter" life is good.
Rob Lennon: Running a 10K in 40 Minutes, Retiring from work by age 50, and having a good looking lawn are becoming less realistic goals every year.
Kenneth Leslie: Time goes by too fast, so live and love like it's your last. Treat everyone like they're a friend from the past.
Jon Levenhagen: We had fun back then.
John A Lichty: In order to be successful in life, one must learn to set and achieve long-term goals.
Mary Lindl: Always be in love with the one your with, love what you do for a living and you have to trust your instincts and take a few risks.
Richard Lipscomb: Gravity Works! Mother Nature allows us to experience life through the eyes of our mates; men grow boobs and women grow mustaches!
Sally Loper: Time just flies! I can't believe 10 years have gone by since I've been back in Wisconsin. Whatever it is that you want to do, do it now! Or you may not get the chance.
Mary Kay Luedke: Bonnie Brewer - 1988, President of the Germantown Garden Club, Daughters of the American Revolution and Heidi Fleiss' assistant.
Denise Machi: Age is relative.
Jenny McCarthy: There is definitely life after high school! Life goes way too fast and being positive about it all (family, marriage, kids, job) keeps it enjoyable!
Diana McFadden: To laugh a lot and enjoy my family, friends and my work. It's amazing to me as I watch my daughter (almost 15) saying and doing the same things I was doing with my friends 20 years ago. I find myself looking at her thinking "I hope she has as much fun and has the best of friends as I had in high school" My friends from Tosa East will always have a special place in my life. When I think of them I always smile.
Debby McLaughlin: Time goes by very fast. I can hardly believe my own kids are in high school. Enjoy every day as a gift. Maybe our parents were right about some of the things they said.
Mary Mirenda: I wish I knew then what I knew now! Also, not to take anything for granted, every day is a blessing and I have definitely been blessed!
Lisa Niewoehner: Wauwatosa was a great place to grow up. Things are vary different now for today's children. I look for the best things from my upbringing and hope to pass those on to my daughter (who speaks with a New York accent according to her grandparents). Have a great reunion!
Wil Olmsted: There is nothing more important in life than to love God and to love your neighbor.
Mary Perreth: "Sooner or later, we all sound like our parents". "There's nothing more important than family and friends".
Chuck Perry: To strive to make my priorities in life: God, wife, children, friends and work, in that order.
Kimberly Peterson: I've learned to be more understanding and accepting of other people who are much different than myself. I see things more in shades of gray and Iess in black and white.
Nancy Peterson: There's more to life than high school!
Scott Peterson: And we thought we were grown up 20 years ago!
Brian J. Picht: (1) Love your wife- fall in love every day. (2) Love your kids - they won't be around much longer. (3) Love your job - It makes #1 much easier. (4) Focus on #1 and money problems stay in check.
Frank Powell: If everything is relative , then the world is flat.
Jim Proft: Never underestimate the importance of anyone and everyone you meet.
Paula Reichardt: What you learn in high school and college isn't nearly as important as how you apply those experiences to your life today.
Kathy Reinke: Be fruitful and multiply. Buy low and sell high. Invest in Wall Street. My advice to my daughter: remember Bill Gates was a geek in high school and look what he is doing now". Health care is a satisfying and rewarding career.
Beth Rise: I'm getting old. Still learning and growing. Wondering when I will grow up. High school was a highlight and I'm thankful to have survived all those wild times. I have great memories of great friends and adventures.
Michael Rose: Don't let other people walk all over you - just be yourself.
Scott Schilling: Many times the value of an experience is not truly realized until much, much later.
Kent Schlinger: The acorn doesn't fall very far from the oak. (Maybe not new, but nonetheless true).
Linda Schneider: I still have very much to learn.
Larry Randlett: Computers can do the same old things better sometimes, but often it's worse than ever! At least for me in my ignorance thereof.
Gary Schuller: The need to be motivated and successful.
Tod Shouse: That my mom was right. Time goes faster and faster as you get older, so, live each day to the fullest. Also, being a Daddy is the greatest - especially the free McDonald's breakfast on Daddy's day.
Dick Smith: While in the Navy, I visited many countries, experienced many cultures, and made many close friendships with people around the U.S. But there is still no place better to have grown up and to proudly say "I am from Tosa!"
Paul Snyder: When they said -"You're on your own, now" - they weren't kidding!
Mark Sommerfeld: "Glad to have come from the midwest" Why? "Go west young man" We've all heard it. So did I. First south to Georgia and Arkansas, then to San Diego. Along the way experiencing different people and ways, learning and growing. California kids are no different, they also sought adventure. "Go west young man" So they did. Two blocks later at the beach and this is what they learned, "Bitchin' man!!"
Julianna Spring: Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs I've ever had. My parents certainly did not have it easy.
Dawn Stanley: Never take for granted what you have. "The Pack is back".
Michael A. Strehlow: Don't let life pass you by - you will never catch up!
Judy Stockinger: After 20 years, a husband, and 2 boys, I'm too tired to have any insights.
Tom Taylor: Youth is wasted on "young" people. High school wasn't so bad now that I can go to reunions.
Kelly Trentin: Twenty years go by a lot quicker than I thought.
Kelly Vetter: Dress warm for winter.
Matthew Wagner: I shouldn't have drunk that much on the band trip to St Petersburg, Florida. I still won't drink vodka or mountain dew.
Tom "Wally" Walentoski: In working for the fire department, I have seen so many fortunes and misfortunes, that have made me appreciate life and my family.
Timothy Wayer: Sorry, we can't make it but Tim's father died in May and he was in Wauwatosa for one month and couldn't return in July. Please send greetings to Joel Davis, Matt Wagner, Patti Nordin and Liz Squire. Anyone is welcome to come Nov. 30th, 1996 to see UHA play UW Madison in Hawaii.
Debbie Wier: When you have kids, you find out - time really does fly!!
Barb Weishaar: Bleachers tend to get harder and harder every year after attending so many kids ball games, but I still refuse to get an old lady seat. A glass of wine a day helps to lower the cholesterol and It sure doesn't hurt in helping to deal with crabby adolescents either.
Mary Wittenberg: You have to make your own happiness. It's OK to work hard, but you need to play hard too. Don't miss out on the important things In life by making work your life! ( Either at home or outside your home).
Julie Zanio: Judge your success by the degree you're enjoying peace, health, and love. Focus on making things better, not bigger.
Kathy Zauner: Don't sweat the small stuff - it will all work out!
Janice Zempel: There is a reason for everything. 40 isn't as old as it used to be! In life, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Joe Zuba: My great aunts remedy for a cold: Take a drink of water and hold it in your mouth, sit on a hot burner and wait for the water to boil. Voila! You're cured.
The 20th reunion was well attended. On Saturday night there were 270 attendees, 168 classmates, and 102 guests! Here is the list of attendees that night.
Eric Adolpson
Dan Alberts
Elizabeth Alexander
Barb Aspinwall
Sue Babb
Kurt Barany
Glen Barkow
Sue Baumann
Debra Bergold
Holly Beyer
Liz Bischoff
Mark Borkowski
Cathy Borth
Sandra Boubonais
Jamie Bowden
Tom Boyle
Lee Braem
Steve Braun
DeAnn Broich
Tracy Brooks
Lisa Carlson
Ann Carpenter
Parry Cartier
Danita Cole
Kathy Conole
Sally Cox
Jean Crabtree
Kathy Crowley
Mike Day
Mary DeGraaf
Nancy Doberstein
Pat Downey
Elizabeth Duchelle
Carla Durand
Anne Eichner
Paul Eisenhauer
Jeff Ferguson
Louise Flick
Peggy Foley
Abigail Forbes
Renee Frey
Sue Gagen
Mary Galko
Art Gamsky
Gloria Garcia
Sue Garney
Janis Gaulke
Judy Godar
Mark Gostisha
Jordy Gransee
Judy Grimm
Sue Grottveit
Jeff Hackett
Gail Handschke
Gene Hanson
Juliann Harley
Heather Hawtrey
Ronald Hayek
Mark Heard
Debbie Hetzel
Sue Hiller
Mary Hillstrom
Marce Hoffmeister
Katie Hofstede
Sarah Hope
Gerry Horaitis
Diane Houriet
Pat Hunt
Randy Hunt
John Jackson
George Karioris
Susan Kelsall
Eileen Keyes
Rosi Kijak
Marc Kilburg
Sharon Kilmer
Dave Klibowitz
Carol Knauer
Geraldine Kraatz
Cindy Kraemer
Heidi Kuenzi
Susan Kwak
Nan Larson
Kevin Leahy
Maureen Leahy
Sandy Lebesch
Cindy Legg
Rob Lennon
Kathy Leslie
Ken Leslie
Jon Levenhagen
John Lichty
Mary Lindl
Richard Lipscomb
Sally Loper
Mary Kay Luedke
Denise Machi
Joan Marotte
Diana McFadden
Kim McGrath
Debra McLaughlin
Tom McNeer
Katy Merkt
Mindy Miller
Mary Mirenda
Terry Monfre
Bill Nawrocki
Sue Nicholas
Dennis Noonan
Patti Nordin
Will Olmsted
Chuck Perry
Kim Peterson
Scott Peterson
Lynn Pokwinski
Frank Powell
Andrea Price
Harry Profio
Jim Proft
Jean Rehberger
Paula Reichardt
Kathy Reinke
Susan Rice
Beth Rise
Jerry Roche
John Rogge
Tony Rondinelli
Mike Rose
Jaye Satre
Scott Schilling
Kent Schlienger
Linda Scheider
Brian Scott
Paul Seitz
Steve Shantz
Tod Shouse
Su Sievert
Dick Smith
Tom Smith
Paul Snyder
Mark Sommerfeld
Juliana Spring
Liz Squire
Dawn Stanley
Mike Strehlow
Timothy Strehlow
Jennifer Swain
Heidi Tank
Tom Taylor
Kelly Trettin
Patty Ulschmid
Gayle Brown
Bob Vaughn
Kelly Vetter
Roger Voltz
Ann Wagner
Matthew Wagner
Tom Walentoski
Tony Weber
Sue Weber
Debra Weir
Barb Weishaar
Mary Wittenberg
Jill Yentz
Julie Zanio
Paul Zehren
Janice Zempel