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48th Reunion Group Pictures

The 48th Reunion took place on August 17, 2024 (Saturday afternoon and evening) at Hoyt Park at Picnic Area 3. 33 classmates attended and they brought with them 9 guests..

Because there was the threat of rain, we decided to do an early group photo. This turned out to be a good decision because a downpour occurred later. But afterward the weather cleared up and we took another group picture!


Reunion Group Pictures

Group Picture 1

48th Reunion Group Picture #1 with Key

1. Holly Beyer
2. Barb Schroeder
3. Jennifer Swain
4. Mary Clark
5. Juliana Spring
6. Terri Monfre
7. Tom Witte
8. Debbie Hetzel
9. Kathy Reinke
10. Abby Forbes
11. Carla Durand
12. Frank Powell
13. Bill Hanson
14. Peggy Bowler
15. John Lichty
16. Jamie Bowden
17. Kevin Leahy
18. Heidi Kuenzi
19. Gene Hanson
20. Julie Zanio
21. John Rogge

Not Pictured: April Bergemann, Mark Borkowski, Jean Crabtree, Dawn Hohlfeld, Eddie Kane, George Karioris, Mary Laidlaw, Sandy Lebesch, Chuck Perry, Harry Profio, Jerry Roche, Paul Seitz.


Group Picture 2

48th Reunion Group Picture #1 with Key

1. Heidi Kuenzi
2. Carla Durand
3. Tom Witte
4. Bill Hanson
5. John Rogge
6. Eddie Kane
7. Holly Beyer
8. Chuck Perry
9. April Bergemann
10. Barb Schroeder
11. Jamie Bowden
12. John Lichty
13. Jerry Roche
14. Mary Laidlaw
15. Frank Powell
16. Harry Profio
17. George Karioris
18. Jennifer Swain
19. Mary Clark
20. Kevin Leahy
21. Gene Hanson
22. Debra Hetzel
23. Jean Crabtree
24. Peggy Bowler

Not pictured: Mark Borkowski, Abby Forbes, Dawn Hohlfeld, Sandy Lebesch, Terri Monfre, Kathryn Reinke, Paul Seitz, Juliana Spring, Julie Zanio