2019 Year in Review
Tosa East Class of 76:
Debbie and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and we now wish to extend to our entire class a very Happy New Year!
It was another good year of basically not hearing from me because I only received one report of a classmates passing: David Hart.
Here are some of the year's highlights and all of this was posted on our class Facebook page. I did this last year and
because of the positive feedback I thought I'd do it again because not all of our class have Facebook accounts or are active on that site.
And for those you who follow our Facebook page, I hope you enjoy looking back.
For myself, the big highlight of the year was updating the entire class website to make it mobile friendly which in turn has made finding the site easier.
November 18
As a nod to the update of the website, I changed the cover image of our Facebook page. There are 198 classmate faces here so this is roughly
half of our class. I tried to include everyone who is in the Facebook group and did not include anyone on our
Fallen List.
Though they are basically in random sequence, I will mention a couple of things. First, the very first picture is Patty Ulschmid and that's because this was her idea as she used this for the covers of the 20th reunion booklet. I also put the classmates who are married together.
If you want know any of the names, I made a key which you see by clicking/tapping here.
October 21
It was brought to my attention that Marilyn Nusbaum, one of the Spanish teachers at East, passed away back in 2016.
In the discussion the following question by Ed Chan generated 31 responses which I believe may be a record.
"Foreign language. Does anyone remember if this was a requirement for graduation?"
There was a clear division between those who thought it was a requirement and those of us (I was in this group)
that said it wasn't because they didn't take any language. So maybe it was a requirement and they're going to take my diploma back!
But one memory everyone seemed to recall was we all took a foreign language in 6th grade.
Click/tap here if you wish to see the string of responses.
October 30
Here is my posting about Pumpkin Caroling:

I remember seeing guys who were obviously part of the security (my guess was they were Secret Service agents) occasionally walking by. And at one point people were congregating on the bridge that goes from the PAC to the parking structure, but that area was soon cleared of anyone because, again, security. Not a surprise to any of us as there were 2 assassination attempts on Ford just the month before.
When he emerged we sang "The Lord Bless You and Keep You." I remember it seemed appropriate because of the attempts on his life.
Here I am in my chosen costume (also sporting my long dark hair which Debbie wishes I still had) and the article that appeared about it in the Milwaukee Journal the next day.
November 1
Then 2 days later our classmate, Lisa Niewoehner, found this photo. Here is the posting:

To see the Milwaukee Journal article, click/tap here.
My wife, Debbie Hetzel, spotted me at the upper left, just peeking over.
September 25
In order to get as many identifications as possible, I posted the group picture from the 25th reunion.

October 18

Click/tap here to see the other pictures we have from the 25th.
December 9

The picture of Sue Baumann generated some interesting discussion because though I thought she was in the George Webb down on State Street, I wasn't certain so thought I should ask. The definitive answer came from Chuck Manthy who said, "the two clocks are a dead giveaway." Why are there two clocks? The answer is on the George Webb website and you can read it about it here.
Because she is not on Facebook, I emailed Sue and shared this photo of her. This was her comment: "Hi, wow loved that photo from Janis! Many after party nights were there until we discovered a spider in a burger. I'll have to talk to Pat [Downey] and Jim [Proft] and see if my memory is correct on that!" Pat Downey responded: "This is not an urban George Webb's legend. But a true story."
Sadly, I had to share the bad news that the George Webb's on State Street is now gone.
June 22
Our classmate, Jeff Lenzen, posted this picture
to our Facebook group. While attending the American Family Golf Championship which is held at the University Ridge Golf Course in Madison, he ran into
Tosa East teachers and coaches, Sam Waala and Joe Vitrano. Sam Waala was a math teacher who coached wrestling and cross-county. Joe Vitrano was a
Latin teacher and coached cross-country and track. Jeff Lenzen was a distance runner so had Vitrano as his track coach and in cross-country he had Vitrano
and Waala.
June 17
Debbie and I had
the privilege of being invited to Longfellow teacher and football coach John Mathie's 90th birthday celebration held at the Crown Plaza
hotel in Wauwatosa. This was largely due to Debbie's dad, Ralph Hetzel, was also
a teacher at Longfellow (Industrial Arts) and Mathie had been a friend since the 70's. In fact Debbie babysat John Mathie's kids!
I got to make an improptu speech at
the event where I talked about John's pinnacle of his football coaching career: an undefeated and unscored upon team in 1972. As a member of
that 9th grade team, I offered my memories and perspective. There was a very audible gasp in the room when I told them the final score: Longfellow 128 points,
opponents: zero.
Dolan Dybdahl's speech.
Richard Hess' speech.
April 23
In April I reported the
passing of Joe Barolotta. Some of you might have remembered him from school (I certainly did) as he was in the grade behind us. But he became
a Milwaukee area celebrity because he owned and operated a number of great restaurants: Harbor House, Baccus, Downtown Kitchen, Lake Park Bistro,
The Rumpus Room, Joey Gerard's, Ristorante Bartolotta, and a number of others.
You can read more about Bartolotta here.
December 18
I thought it might be fun to have a
poll among our class about their favorite (or favorites) of the animated Christmas specials, but only the ones of our youth, so 1970 or earlier. There
were 6 choices. Here are the specials, year first played, and number of votes:
Mr. Magoo Christmas Carol (1962) - 2
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) - 11
Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) - 9
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966) - 1
Frosty the Snowman (1969) - 0
Santa Claus is Coming to Town (1970) - 2
All of the above - 1
Various dates in the year - Who are these kids?
I am always looking for class pictures as we're still missing so many. But recently some of our classmates supplied some new ones.
Mark Gostisha provided some from St. Bernard, Janis Gaulke from Roosevelt, and Karl Spring sent a bunch of them for Lincoln.
All of these class photos get posted here on the website, but I also share them on Facebook where I'm always trying to get identifications.
In order to make that easier, I've been inserting numbers onto the photos so a position is easily stated.
It is my hope that I will eventually add this information to the photos here on the website.
November 20
This simply falls under the category of
too adorable not to post. The picture is
from Holly Beyer and it's from her birthday party in 1963 or 1964. Holly posted that it had to be Kindergarten
because she remembers that some of these girls transferred to Catholic schools in first grade. She also notes that,
"This was an after school December birthday party and notice all of us are in dresses, tights and Mary Janes."
Front row: Joan Marotte, Rita ?, Mary Jashinsky.
Back row: Dede Rogers, Cheryl ?, ?, Cathy Melchert, Renee Frey, Holly Beyer.
Summary and Looking Forward
If you're not on Facebook, I highly encourage you to at least have a logon so you can see and hopefully participate in the Facebook group. Keep in mind this is a private group and no one outside the group can see the postings so you can otherwise stay anonymous. Also, anyone can post on group and anyone can respond to any posting.
As we are looking forward to what we're going to do about a 45th reunion, though I can say we'll definitely be doing something, we need to do the planning. And toward that end I plan on sending out a questionnaire to get the classes input into what they'd prefer.
Gene Hanson