About Tosa East '76 Website


Group Email List - Tosaeast1976

2022-2023 Archive

The postings below are the messages sent to our class during 2022-2023

Click here to see the 2024-2025 messages.
Click here to see the 2022-2023 messages.
Click here to see the 2020-2021 messages.
Click here to see the 2019 messages.
Click here to see the 2018 messages.
Click here to see the 2017 messages.
Click here to see the 2016 messages.

Happy New Year!



When I'm Sixty-Four


Debbie and I wish our entire class a Happy New Year!

When I'm Sixty-Four

As you see our class has a motto for this year as we've either already hit 64 or will in the coming year. Though it is only in the preliminary stages, we are thinking of a "When I'm Sixty-Four" reunion this coming summer. It will probably be very much like the gathering we had at Hoyt Park in September. Even though the circumstances made the attendance relatively low for the 45th, I believe everyone who could attend had a great time. One measure of that was I got several requests for doing another picnic reunion. My response to this is hopefully predictable: Me and Debbie are all in as long as there's enough support. So I'll have more info in spring and we'll establish a firm date so everyone can plan accordingly.

Spam Update

First off my sincere thanks to the 77 classmates that provided me feedback on my Google Group vs. Mailchimp comparison. The result is there is clearly a problem, but as yet no firm solution. Consequently, I am sending this message out twice as a number of classmates had trouble with one of the lists. And of those who had trouble, it was split fairly evenly between Google and Mailchimp, with the later being slightly better. So going forward I'll continue to utilize both until I get more data. I'll go into detail for those who care to read the explanation. If you don't you can simply skip the rest of this section.

But there is a lot going for Mailchimp, especially from an administrative viewpoint. I get valuable statistics like delivery and whether the email was opened. Here is what it showed in the test:

Emails sent: 283
Emails delivered: 271
Emails opened: 187

What's good is that I know who were the 12 people where no delivery happened. I also know who opened their email. This percentage will be going down in time as more email providers provide an option to block this reporting. Recently, Apple made this available to their users.

In a mix of good and bad news, I discovered that our class is not alone in this spam problem. I'm the webmaster for several clubs including the Milwaukee Astronomical Society and we've suddenly noticed with this elevated spam and dealing with measures to fight it, also resulting in more email in spam folders and also simply blocked. Yes, that's bad, but the good news is since the problem is being experienced presumably everywhere, email providers will find better ways to fight it.

Email Archive

As a reminder all of the messages that are sent are archived on the website. So if you ever wonder if you haven't heard from me for what seems like a long time, you can always check. The direct link to the most recent messages can be found on the class homepage or directly through this link:


Cardinal News

The Cardinal News - 03/19/1976

We have 5 issues of our school newspaper, the Cardinal News, now available on the website. Give them a look!


Gene Hanson

In Memoriam - Mike Rose and Doug Carlson



Class of '76  Banner


Mike Rose

Mike Rose graduation It is with sadness that I have to report that our classmate, Mike Rose, passed away on January 11th at age 64. Funeral services will be held at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 5327 W. Washington Blvd., on Monday, Jan. 17 at 11 a.m. Visitation from 9:30 a.m. until time of service. Our thoughts and prayers go to Mike's family.

You can see more information at Mike's obituary:



Recent photos of Mike from his Facebook page:

I saw Mike a number of times at the Milwaukee Astronomical Society observatory where I give the introductory presentation at most of the open house nights. He also attended one of our Summerfest "unofficial" reunions.


Mike & Mike Rose

At Tosa Fest during our 40th reunion, I had an opportunity which I couldn't miss: taking a picture of both Mike Roses.


Dave Carlson

Unfortunately, I have more bad news. I was informed recently that our classmate, Doug Carlson, passed away on August 28, 2021 at age 63. He was living in Estero, Florida.

I could find no detailed obituary info, but he apparently died of pancreatic cancer.

Here's a collage of pictures of Doug taken from his Facebook page. It includes an image of him and our classmate Mark Rasmussen.


Doug Carlson Collage

This message is being replicated so is going out to the Google Group and Mailchimp to assure the greatest delivery.

In Memoriam - Lori Loessin



Class of '76  Banner


Lori Loessin

Lori Loessin graduation It is with sadness that I have to report that our classmate, Lori Loessin, passed away on September 18, 2021 at age 62. Sorry for the lateness of this notification, but I was only informed a few days ago.

You can find out more information from her obituary:



Though I did not know Lori while we were in school, while I was tracking down classmates before the 40th reunion, I discovered that she had a business, Alterations and Fine Tailoring, which was located in downtown Oconomowoc. At the time me and Debbie were living in Oconomowoc and it was easy walking distance to her store. So I stopped by to introduce myself and invite her to be informed of the coming reunion and hopefully attend.

Recent photos of Lori:

Lori Loesiin

Above is a picture of Lori I found on the internet and this is my recollection of her from my brief visit in 2016 to her shop in Oconomowoc.

Lori Loessin

Lori with her daughters Lucy and Lydia.

Gmail Spam Update

If you are a gmail user and have been having difficulty receiving emails, specially from my messages through Mailchimp, I have learned that gmail essentially has a secondary spam folder labeled Promotions that apparently many users are aware of, or that perfectly good emails often end up there. As the name implies, they're filtering for promotional content and stuff coming from Mailchimp often looks that way. If you use gmail, please let me know if you find any of my emails in the Promotions folder.

This message is being replicated so is going out to the Google Group and Mailchimp to assure the greatest delivery.

In Memoriam - Teacher Nancy Check



Class of '76  Banner


Teacher Nancy Check


With sadness I must report to our class the passing of English Teacher Nancy Viola Check. She died on February 20th at age 73 from complications of MS and a stroke.

You can read her obituary here:


Nancy Check from the '75 Tosa East yearbook

The above picture of Nancy Check is from our 11th grade yearbook.

Nancy Check in later years.

This picture is her in later years.

As usual, our thoughts are with her family.

Gene Hanson
Tosa East Class of '76

When I'm Sixty-Four Reunion - Save the Date



When I'm Sixty-Four


We're going to try another small reunion again this coming September because I got more than enough interest in doing another one based on the experience from last year. I got requests from those who attended, many who wished to make it but couldn't, and an unimaginable problem with my emails going either into spam or not delivered at all. Attendance was also affected by COVID. Finally, there was Debbie's realization that we have the perfect tagline: When I'm Sixty-Four.

September 10, 2022

The plan is basically exactly what we did last year. I have reserved Picnic Area #2 at Hoyt Park on Saturday, September 10th. This weekend corresponds to Tosa Fest which occurs Friday and Saturday of that weekend. As this is basically a repeat of the 45th last year, I already have all the details spelled out on the class website, but I'll probably be updating it.

Here are the details as they stand:

Once again we reserved Picnic Area #2 in Hoyt Park. This is one of the two areas closest to the footbridge and within 300 feet of The Landing. Figure on a start time of 2:00PM and it will go on until whenever. Last year it went on until about 8:00PM when it turned dark. Since we've purposely set this up to correspond with Tosa Fest, we expect some of us will head over to Hart Park as that goes on until midnight.

Note: There is no cost to the participants other than your own food and drink. The only hard cost was the picnic area reservation fee, but that was donated.

At this time no other activities are on the agenda, but as stated earlier, Tosa Fest is going on so some will probably go there, especially after our get together at Hoyt.

Here are the facilities and their locations at Hoyt Park:

Hoyt Park Pool and Picnic Area #2

  • Picnic Area 2 has 10 picnic tables, but some shuffling of tables can occur from Area 3 which is adjacent. Though that is probably more than enough tables, we'll want to bring along some camping type chairs. Debbie and I have 8 of them which we will plan to bring along as well as a bean ball toss game. We also solicit any attendees that have pop up tents in case of rain.
  • If you remember the old grills, they are completely gone. But what they do have are charcoal barrels for disposal of hot charcoal so people can bring their own grill.

Hoyt Park Landing area closeup

The Landing has 50 large picnic tables that easily hold 8 people each.

  • There is a concession stand immediately at The Landing area.
  • There are also 2 separate concession stands on either side of the pool (Men's side and Women's side) which serve both the pool area and the park side.
  • The menus for The Landing are different from those for on the Men's and Women's sides.

There is entertainment at the stage both on Friday and Saturday night starting at 5:00PM. Also, there will be some sort of food truck.

Keep in mind this is a "bring your own" affair. We are not supplying any food or beverages. We are also not charging anything.

I have a new area on the class website for this 46th (When I'm Sixty-Four) reunion where I have more information and a gallery of pictures of Hoyt. I will be keeping that up to date, but of course I will also be sending out additional emails.

http://www.tosaeast1976.com/ 46th_reunion/index.asp

So for now save the date: September 10, 2022.

Gene Hanson
Wauwatosa East Class of '76

September 10th Reminder



When I'm Sixty-Four


This is a reminder that we are about one month out from our "When I'm Sixty-Four" reunion at Hoyt Park on Saturday, September 10th.

We have reserved Picnic Area 2 at Hoyt Park which is just across the bridge that leads to the pool area.

At this time we have not modified our timing so we're set to start at 2:00PM and no set ending time. We understand some will arrive later, but we hope most arrive by 5:00PM because we'll take the group picture around that time.

45th Reunion group photo.

I will send out another reminder in a day or two before the event. But you can also get all the information from the website in a dedicated 46th section:

http://www.tosaeast1976.com/ 46th_reunion/index.asp

You don't need to RSVP to this reunion and you can literally decide at the last moment to attend.

I plan on sending another reminder in the days before the event. And as what has become the norm, I will also send this message via Mailchimp to assure higher delivery.

Gene Hanson
Wauwatosa East Class of '76

September 10 - Now Just 4 Days



We are now just 4 days out from our "When I'm Sixty-Four" together at Hoyt Park this coming Saturday, September 10th!


We're to the point where the weather forecasts have some credibility. Here are 3 predictions:

Weather Channel: High of 81, low of 59. Partly cloudy, 16% AM chance of rain.

Accuweather: High of 77, low of . Cloudy, 59% chance of a short thunderstorm.

Weather Underground: High of 83, low of 63. Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain at 2:00PM, our start time.

Not the best we could have hoped for, but far from the worst, and we're still too far out for decent accuracy.


We have reserved Picnic Area 2 in Hoyt Park for our scheduled get together for 4:00PM thru at least 8:00PM. A great aspect for this venue is the close proximity of the pool area, now known as the TOSA Pool at Hoyt Park. This offers us a number of amenities: 3 concession stands (with 2 different menus), a stage which will have music from 5-8 that evening, 50 large picnic tables, and restroom facilities. Of course, in the picnic area it is wise to bring your own food and drink, but it is great to have this alternative. After sundown we will migrate over to The Landing area where there is lighting and picnic tables.

Weather may be an issue and the forecast is showing some possibility of rain. If it looks like it might rain we are asking for anyone who has one to bring a tent. However, staking is not allowed.

Because we have a permit for our picnic area, we are allowed to have beer (cans or bottles) at our picnic site so bring what you'd like. This also means that you can also purchase beer at The Landing and bring it back to the picnic area.

There are no longer grills in any of the county parks, but you are permitted to bring your own. There is a container available on our picnic site for disposal of hot coals, although they do request that they be dowsed in water beforehand.

It might be a good idea to bring camping chairs and possibly camping tables. Amplified music is not permitted. But we will probably hear the sounds of the band from The Landing as the stage is fairly close. But it won't be too loud because those bands don't play very loud and the stage is pointing away from our picnic area.

Parking is available along Menomonee Pkwy or in the Hoyt Pool parking lot.

This is free event! That means the only cost to our classmates will be for their own food and drink. The only hard cost is the picnic area reservations and that has been donated.


It is not necessary to RSVP. You can literally show up at the last minute. Stop by even if you can't stay long.

It shouldn't be a problem to find us, but if there is any difficulty I have my and Debbie's cellphone numbers listed below.


I'm trying something new. This message is going out via our Google Group as usual, but I'm also now going to try directly emailing. I'll be using the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) method with the hope that these emails get delivered. This technique allows the emails to be hidden. If this ends up working I'll abandon the Google Group and Mailchimp.

Gene Hanson - 262-XXX-XXXX
Debbie Hetzel - 920-XXX-XXXX

The When I'm Sixty Four reunion this past weekend



The "When I'm Sixty Four" (46th) reunion was this past Saturday and I was euphoric with the turnout. The final number was 41 classmates! Also, 9 classmates brought their spouses along. Well, technically it was actually 11 because I brought my spouse along and Debbie brought hers. :) Interestingly, that fifty is exactly what was reserved. That supposedly is the capacity of that picnic area so that was my estimate I used when I made the reservation. But that number is incredibly small because that picnic area can easily accommodate well over 100 and probably 150.

I'm still collecting pictures and I want anyone who attended to send me any pictures they took. When I get them I will put together all of them and will be on the website in the "Past Reunions" section under "46th Reunion".

Group Picture

However, I do have the group picture ready to share and will help everyone as I have a key to the attendees.

1. Janis Gaulke
2. Nancy Doberstein
3. Sue Kelsall
4. Jean Crabtree
5. Kathy Conole
6. Abby Forbes
7. Annette Gehm
8. John Lichty
9. Juliana Spring
10. Julie (Paul Eisenhauer's wife)
11. Paul Eisenhauer
12. Lee Braem
13. Paula Reichardt
14. Bill Hanson
15. Jon Levenhagen
16. Mike Lynch
17. Eileen Keyes
18. Gerry Abshire
19. Sandy Lebesch
20. Kevin Leahy
21. Kim Peterson
22. Frank Powell
23. Debbie Weir
24. Tod Shouse
25. April Bergemann
26. Tracey Flemming
27. John Rogge
28. Mary Lindl
29. Joan Marotte
30. Bob Rech
31. Paul Seitz
32. Pat Hunt
33. Julie Zanio
34. Tom Boyle
35. Debbie Hetzel
36. Gene Hanson
37. Gayle Urban

Not Pictured:

Jeff Hackett (left early), Late arrivals: Harry Profio, Susan Volz, Sue Gagan, Parry Cartier

Fallen Classmates

I was asked by a few classmates at the reunion if there was anyone who passed away recently. The answer is no and the reason I gave is I have a network of informants (the class) whenever I get word of any death, I will send out an announcement. So if you do get word of a death of any classmates, please let me know so I can pass the word.


As you no doubt have gathered, I'm obsessed with my spam problem. But my latest attempt at assuring the greatest delivery of my messages seems to be successful. I will be utilizing the BCC method going forward. This makes it look to your email service that it is an individual email (so not part of an email blast) and from an individual who's probably on your white list because I've sent you messages before.

I also get immediate undeliverable messages. I now have a number of classmates without an email and I'll now research to see if I can get a new one. The biggest issue is with classmates using their employers' email. Since many are reaching retirement you will lose that email, eventually. I fully understand that it is usually convenient to use that email and if so, please continue to use it. But I don't mind having more than one email. If you're using your work email please consider giving me another which I will not use but hold in reserve and activate should the other one suddenly stop working.

I am once again replicating this message via the Google Group list. I appreciate knowing if you don't receive that message. If it's not there be sure to check your Spam or Promotions folder as it might have landed there. My gmail is also on the list and *I* don't get my own message! If I get near universal delivery from this method, I will stop using Google and everyone will then just receive one message!


Medicare Reunion?


Tosa East Medicare Header

Hi Class!

You haven't heard from me for a while, but as I've said before that's generally a good thing because I haven't needed to report any fallen classmates!

I had not planned on doing another reunion this year as we've done the two years previous, but it's too bad because we could call this one the Medicare Reunion. I started on Medicare in March and Debbie in May. However, there's no reason to do absolutely nothing so I'm floating the idea to just do a gathering at Tosa Fest in the evening of September 9th which is Saturday. Tosa Fest was held for a couple of years at Hart because of construction, but with the completion of that it's once again where it belongs: on State Street!

But I'm not opposed to doing another gathering at Hoyt Park if there is enough interest. I checked and picnic area #2 is still available, but there is a cost of $95 to reserve it. As it was last year, we'd finish at Hoyt Park just after sundown and then a lot of our classmates then headed over to Tosa Fest. So let me know (via email) if the Hoyt Park idea appeals to you. Tosa Fest is no issue because there's no charge just to get in.

My actual plan which will remain unchanged is to do Hoyt Park next year for the 48th as at that time we will be just 2 years out from what should be a huge reunion: our 50th!

In preparation for that I've been working on the website to give everyone a login and I'm fairly near completion. You can see from the image at the top the word "Login" but it is not yet ready. However, it will soon. This login gives the website new functionality, the most important feature being private content that only the class can see, assuming you're logged in. Another advantage is it allows me to do better questionnaires. One big example is we'll definitely be doing another big questionnaire for a 50th reunion "booklet." But the questionnaires will be entered when logged in because that way you don't have to enter all the info in one sitting and/or you want to edit what you've previously entered. I can also then dynamically post the information on the website. It was a lot of work on the 40th to take the information and format it to create a PDF document. I think this is an unnecessary effort because I suspect that few of you actually physically printed it. But I'm not opposed to it if I can get a volunteer to create the booklet from the info. But either way the results will be on the website as it is not a whole lot of work for me.

As far as the 50th reunion, the only thing that is certain is we will have one. And it should be a big affair because my research indicates that a 50th reunion is the most well attended. The next most attended is a 20th reunion and our class had a very well attended event for that. But we will try to get the venue lined up by next year so everyone has the date so it can be kept clear.

Your Profile

One immediate use of the login system is that you can see what I have as your current contact information and have the ability to edit it. The only thing you can't change, however, is your email address. That's because your login id is your email you use for the class and the password will be of your own choosing. If you got this email, this is the email I have! If you need your email changed, I will have to do that for you.

I will have more information on this when I've finished and tested it which will be in a future email.

Let me know what you think about a gathering on September 9th!

Gene Hanson

47th Reunion - Save the Date



Medicare Reunion - phoney cards


We're going to try another small reunion again next month because I got enough interest in doing another one.

September 9, 2023

The plan is basically exactly what we have done the two previous years. I plan on reserving Picnic Area #2 at Hoyt Park on Saturday, September 9th, but I'll be waiting until we get closer to the date. As of this email every picnic area at Hoyt Park is available. This weekend corresponds to Tosa Fest which occurs Friday and Saturday of that weekend. As this is basically a repeat of the 45th and 46th, I already have all the details spelled out on the class website, but I'll probably be updating it with last minute details. And I will be sending out another email a few days before the gathering.

Here are the details as they stand:

Once again we hope to be using Picnic Area #2 in Hoyt Park. This is one of the two areas closest to the footbridge and within 300 feet of The Landing, so we might end up in Picnic Area #3, just next door. Figure on a start time of 2:00PM and it will go on until at least 6:00PM and will end when we all decide. Last year it went on until about 8:00PM when it turned dark. Since we've purposely set this up to correspond with Tosa Fest, we expect some of us will head over to Hart Park as that goes on until midnight.

Note: TThere is no cost to the participants other than your own food and drink. The only hard cost will be the picnic area reservation fee, but that will be donated.

At this time no other activities are on the agenda, but as stated earlier, Tosa Fest is going on so some will probably go there, especially after our get together at Hoyt.

Here are the facilities and their locations at Hoyt Park:

Hoyt Park Pool and Picnic Area #2

  • Picnic Area 2 has 10 picnic tables, but some shuffling of tables can occur from Area 3 which is adjacent. Though that is probably more than enough tables, we'll want to bring along some camping type chairs. Debbie and I have 8 of them which we will plan to bring along as well as a bean ball toss game. We also solicit any attendees that have pop up tents in case of rain.
  • If you remember the old grills, they are completely gone. But what they do have are charcoal barrels for disposal of hot charcoal so people can bring their own grill.

Hoyt Park Landing area closeup

The Landing has 50 large picnic tables that easily hold 8 people each.

  • There is a concession stand immediately at The Landing area.
  • There are also 2 separate concession stands on either side of the pool (Men's side and Women's side) which serve both the pool area and the park side.
  • The menus for The Landing are different from those for on the Men's and Women's sides.

There is entertainment at the stage both on Friday and Saturday night starting at 5:00PM. Also, there will be some sort of food truck.

Keep in mind this is a "bring your own" affair. We are not supplying any food or beverages. We are also not charging anything.

I have a new area on the class website for this 47th (Medicare) reunion where I have more information and a gallery of pictures of Hoyt. I will be keeping that up to date, but of course I will also be sending out at least one additional email.


So for now save the date: September 9, 2023.

Gene Hanson
Tosa East Class of '76

In Memoriam - Cindy Kraemer



Classmates Header

Cindy Kraemer

Cindy Kraemer It is with sadness that I have to report that our classmate, Cindy Kraemer (Wagner), passed away on August 15th at age 65. She had pancreatic cancer. I've been informed that funeral services will be held at Wisconsin Memorial Park, 13235 W. Capital Dr, Brookfield, WI 53005, on August 30th.

But unfortunately there is no obituary and no mention on the Wisconsin Memorial website and I called and the family apparently wishes for this to remain private. If that changes I will send out another email blast to let everyone know if they wish to attend.

Cindy Kraemer (Wagner) and husband Rick at Lambeau Field

Cindy with husband Rick at Lambeau Field.

Cindy Kraemer (Wagner) and her family.

Cindy's family.

Our thoughts and prayers go to Cindy's family. If you were not aware, Cindy's son, Rick, played football as a Wisconsin Badger and then played professionally, first with the Baltimore Ravens, then the Detroit Lions, and finally with the Green Bay Packers! I'm hoping it's obvious that he is at the right in the above picture.


Cindy Kraemer Funeral



Cindy Kraemer Obituary Class,

Cindy Kraemer's obituary was finally posted and the information about it being private was wrong!

There's not much they add to what I already reported, but the times of the visitation and service:

"A memorial visitation for Cynthia will be held Wednesday, August 30, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM at Wisconsin Memorial Park Inc., 13235 W Capitol Dr, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005, followed by a memorial service at 2:00 PM."

Here's the link to the full obituary: https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/brookfield-wi/cynthia-wagner-11418716


September 9 - Now Just 3 Days!




We are now just 3 days out from our 47th together at Hoyt Park this coming Saturday, September 9th!


We're to the point where the weather forecasts have some credibility. Here are 3 predictions:

Weather Channel: High of 72, low of 53. Partly cloudy, 8% AM chance of rain.

Accuweather: High of 74. Partly cloudy, 7% chance of rain.

Weather Underground: High of 73, low of 55. Partly cloudy, 2% chance of rain at 2:00PM, our start time.

I would say this is a decent forecast. Hopefully the predictions hold.


We have no reservation this year because I wanted to wait until I knew the weather was going to hold, but you cannot reserve less than 2 weeks out! But all the picnic areas are unreserved so I'll try for Picnic Area 2 first, and then Area 1 as a backup. We'll be somewhere in that vicinity in Hoyt Park for our scheduled get together for 2:00PM thru at least 6:00PM. A great aspect for these venues is the close proximity of the pool area, now known as the TOSA Pool at Hoyt Park. This offers us a number of amenities: 3 concession stands (with 2 different menus), a stage which will have music from 5-8 that evening, 50 large picnic tables, and restroom facilities. Of course, in the picnic area it is wise to bring your own food and drink, but it is great to have this alternative. When things start breaking up some of us will be heading over to Tosa Fest.

Weather doesn't seem to be a factor so I don't think we'll be an issue and the forecast is showing some possibility of rain. If it looks like it might rain we are asking for anyone who has one to bring a tent. However, staking is not allowed.

Because we have a permit for our picnic area, we are allowed to have beer (cans or bottles) at our picnic site so bring what you'd like. This also means that you can also purchase beer at The Landing and bring it back to the picnic area.

There are no longer grills in any of the county parks, but you are permitted to bring your own. There is a container available on our picnic site for disposal of hot coals, although they do request that they be doused in water beforehand.

It might be a good idea to bring camping chairs and possibly camping tables. Amplified music is not permitted. But we will probably hear the sounds of the band from The Landing as the stage is fairly close. But it won't be too loud because those bands don't play very loud and the stage is pointing away from our picnic area.

Parking is available along Menomonee River Pkwy or in the Hoyt Pool parking lot.

This is a free event! That means the only cost to our classmates will be for their own food and drink. The only hard cost is the picnic area reservations and that has been donated.


It is not necessary to RSVP. You can literally show up at the last minute. Stop by even if you can't stay long.

It shouldn't be a problem to find us, but if there is any difficulty I have my and Debbie's cellphone numbers listed below.

Gene Hanson - 262-XXX-XXXX
Debbie Hetzel - 920-XXX-XXXX

The When I'm Sixty Five (Medicare) reunion this past weekend


Medicare Reunion Banner


The "When I'm Sixty Five" (47th) reunion was last Saturday and I was euphoric with the turnout because I had no plans for holding one this year. And leading up to the date, I had only received a handful of classmates saying they were definitely coming. But as these mini-reunions don't require an RSVP, anyone can decide last minute, and past experience tells me the turnout will always be much better.

The final number was 26 classmates! That is only one less than the 45th. Also the following classmates brought their spouse along: John Lichty, Jaye Satre, Parry Cartier, Harry Profio, and Lee Braem. Special note: also I should include the married couples of Cathy Borth / Dave Kilbowitz, and Dawn Hohlfeld / Tom Witte as they brought each other. Sadly, conspicuously absent from that list is Debbie as she was too sick to attend.

Of course we had a great time and a huge advantage of these smaller group gatherings is you can have conversations with everyone!

I'm collecting pictures and I want anyone who attended to please send me any pictures they took. When I get them I will put together all of them and will be on the website in the "Past Reunions" section under "47th Reunion".

Group Picture

47th Medicare Reunion Group Picture Labeled

Here is the key, followed by those not in the group picture.

1. Gene Hanson
2. Harry Profio
3. Mike Lynch
4. John Lichty
5. Bill Hanson
6. Lee Braem
7. Dawn Hohlfeld
8. Tom Witte
9. George Kariorus
10. Annette Gehm
11. Frank Powell
12. Mary Kay Luedke
13. Dave Klibowitz
14. Mark Bishop
15. Eddie Kane
16. John Wilkinson
17. Pat Hunt
18. Jeff Bishop (Mark's brother, Class of '77)
19. Jaye Satre
20. Kim Peterson
21. Dave Wagner
22. Cathy Borth
23. Tony Rondinelli

Not pictured:

Abby Forbes, John Rogge, Parry Cartier, and Sandy Lebesch

48th Reunion Plans

At this time I have no definite plans about a 48th reunion gathering other than we will have one! I'm open for suggestions for both the venue and the weekend. I have received a number of emails from classmates that say they always have a yearly vacation/event that always occurs during the time of Tosa Fest. I think we're hard pressed to find a better venue than Hoyt Park, but we should be open to suggestions.


In Memoriam - Brad Heim


Brad Heim

Brad Heim graduation picture


It is with sadness that I have to report that our classmate, Brad Heim, passed away on December 22nd, 2022 at age 64 in Amarillo, Texas. I do not know the cause of death.

As you can read from the obituary, Brad moved to Texas to attend collage and then spent the rest of his life there. But I learned from his Linkedin entry that he went to West Texas A&M University and earned his Bachelor's in Computer Information Data Management and became a Systems Analyst, basically my college degree and job. He later earned an MBA in that same field and an MS in Environmental Science.

Here is Brad's obituary: https://www.lagroneblackburnshaw.com/tributes/Bradley-Heim

Brad Heim


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