About Tosa East '76 Website


45th Reunion Questionnaire / Poll - Archive

This is the 45th Reunion Poll that was put out on March 5, 2020, so just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit us and threw any plans into doubt. The poll has long since been closed but we're showing it for historical purposes. The Submit Button has been removed.

The result of the poll was fairly clear that there wasn't enough support for a full formal reunion, but plenty to justify an informal reunion.

As we're approaching our 45th reunion occurring in 2021, the reunion committee wishes to poll our fellow classmates on what they might want in a reunion, and especially what would make you want to attend. Though we are asking about various reunion activities, the overall goal of this questionnaire is to gear the class enthusiasm which will help us decide whether it will be full formal reunion or just a couple of informal gatherings.

It might be very helpful to check out the activities of previous reunions. Click/Tap here.

Please answer as many questions as you like, although your name and email are required. (You will not be identified when we share the results.) And don't miss the very last item which is a miscellaneous comment of anything you'd like to write. Was there anything we missed as in activities / venues that you think should be considered?

Note: You are not committing to anything by responding to this poll. We're just looking for your thoughts.


The Questions

The first two questions are mandatory. The third question should be filled out if your current name is now different from your class name. Once submitted you will get a verification message within a day or two. 

Yes     No

Formal     Informal

Which of the following informal reunion venues do you think are okay? Select as many as you want.

Yes     No